A Rainbow of Lentils

img_2509Lentils are a hidden gem! Not so hidden in Asian cultures, but definitely underrated.

When I first started cooking, I was intimidated by them. There are so many different types – different sizes and in a rainbow of colours.

Lentils are legumes and grow in pods that contain either one or two small, round/oval-shaped seeds. They’re sold at most grocery stores and come in either whole or split seeds.

Lentils taste pretty neutral and absorb the flavour added to them, which makes them perfect to add into any diet or recipe. But it’s the health benefits that make lentils a superfood! They help lower cholesterol and are an excellent source of B Vitamins and protein. And best of all, they’re almost fat-free!

Cooking with lentils
Surprisingly, just like dried beans, they’re fairly easy to make and incorporate into your diet. Lentils can be used in soups, salads, wraps, made into burger patties, and much more! Check out this amazing website full of endless recipes.

Lentils need to be rinsed first and then boiled in a lot of water – about 30-40 minutes depending on the quantity and type. After that, all you need to do is season them (or add in veggies) and you’re good to go. Remember, lentils double and triple in size, so make sure you use a large pot.

Here’s the link for the yellow lentil with spinach recipe shown in the picture. I cut down on the amount of spices and butter to make it a less spicy version for my toddler. My daughter loved it and didn’t even mind the spinach, which she wouldn’t normally eat on its own.

Sometimes, when I’m short on time, I mix a couple of different types of lentils and put them in a pressure cooker to expedite the cooking process.

So go ahead and explore the colourful world of lentils!